Functionality Descriptions

What do the features in the project management tool Projects mean? What can KPI Boards be used for, and how do the Time Plan and task list work?

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Reset Filters
A management and project overview
A management tool for projects
Last Updated on
April 26, 2024


A sidebar with 5 sub menus

Et billede, der indeholder tekst, skærmbillede, Font/skrifttype, designAutomatisk genereret beskrivelse

Data Grids
Organizing data
Last Updated on
April 26, 2024

Data Grids

Only visible for Company admins.

Data grids are used to display and organize a large amount of data in a structured and user-friendly format. They resemble spreadsheets and provide a grid-based view of data, where rows represent records and columns represent different attributes or fields.

They are used for tasks such as tracking transactions and budgets, managing customer data, sales pipelines, or resource management. Thus, they are useful in finance and accounting, sales, HR, and more.

You can import data via a CSV file. Create as many data grids as you want and edit columns and rows. When creating a new datagrid, you name it yourself, edit it using the 'edit' button, and customize how many columns and rows you want, as well as the naming of the different columns and rows.

The entered data grids can be implemented into a BI report.

File Import
Drop your files and make specific settings for the data drop
Last Updated on
April 26, 2024

Upload data

Import your files directly into Virkplan's database and use the content for your reports.

By using the Upload Data function, you can import your data. This data can then be used in BI reports.

This makes it easy to load detailed budgets and other decentralized data that do not fit into source systems. Specific configurations can be made for how the files should be imported. This includes the exclusion of specific columns and whether data should be overwritten, updated, or appended.

How to reach support and management of profile and notifications
Notifications, Profile and Support
Last Updated on
May 21, 2024

Notifications, Profile and Support

Notifications, Profile and Support

In the bottom left corner of the Virkplan portal, you will find a menu box that contains Notifications, which are messages you receive about assigned tasks and conversations. You get notifications if a task is ready to start, a task is assigned to you during a task in progress, and you get notifications if anyone has tagged you in a conversation on a task or a project, where you are an assignee or have a role.

Profile is your personal profile, where you can see group memberships and you can edit if you want to receive notifications by e-mail, and you can add phone number or change password. It is where you log out of the system, and you can also press on Release Notes or Functions descriptions, and you will then be linked to Virkplan webpage.

When pressing Support you will open a support form, where you can write a message and upload files. This form will be sent to Virkplans ticket system.

Maintain KPI targets
‍A function to enter and maintain KPI goals
Last Updated on
April 26, 2024

KPI Boards

Only visible for Company admins.

A function to enter and maintain KPI goals. You can create as many boards as you want. You can edit and copy.

All KPI Goals are per month.

The data from the KPI Boards can be used in the BI reports.

Reports- insight into data on several levels
Your data overview in a report or several reports
Last Updated on
April 10, 2024


Share documents in a group
Documents shared in groups
Last Updated on
April 26, 2024

Shared Documents

This feature is the documents shared in groups. As a member of a group, you can share documents with others in the group. You can upload a document and choose if you want to share it with all in the group or only with admins.

You can see a list of all shared documents in your groups.

Use Admin to manage user rights and access
Administration of users and groups, access and configuration
Last Updated on
July 31, 2024


Use Sites to display other web pages in the portal
Show embedded sites in the Virkplan portal
Last Updated on
April 19, 2024


It is possible to show embedded sites in the Virkplan portal. If you have a website, that you want to access while you work with your reports or projects in the portal, you can do that.

You can have several sites and name them as you wish.

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